
Hi, I’m Tim, a (title-inflated) Principal Engineer at Wonderstorm.

I work on the platform, using self-hosted Pragma.gg, and work on the infrastructure using Pulumi with AWS.

We launched The Dragon Prince: Xadia online mobile multiplayer ARPG on July 30th, 2024 in partnership with Netflix.

I always try to frame problems from a player-facing perspective. How does this feature benefit players? Am I getting nerd-sniped chasing a tech rabbit hole that won’t impact players?

I’m a big fan of schemes, the KISS paradigm, and it-shouldn’t-be-this-difficult-driven-development.

I avoid frontend work as best I can.

I love creating new internal one-off tools to help development. My current list is:

  • Gimmie Logs
  • Automatic Patch Notes
  • Benchamin
  • Go Vizzy Telemy
  • Go Tail Me A Log

I don’t understand why so many game studios combine gameserver work with platform and infrastructure work in a single role, but perhaps that’s just my bias against C++ leaking. I have a standing grant offer to Epic of $10 USD to support Go for Unreal development.

Every once in a while I’ll run into a fun bug or want to share my thoughts on something I probably shouldn’t (like combining benchmarking, loadtesting, and integration testing), so I finally broke down and started a blog.